Pages Tagged with #theology

Human Truth Foundation pages (38):

God is Logically Impossible: The Argument for Atheism from Incoherence, in the following sections:

The Four Dimensions and the Immutability of God, in the following sections:

The Assumptions about God and Creation, of Both Theists and Atheists, in the following sections:

Is God All-Powerful? Can God or Anything Truly Be Omnipotent?, in the following sections:

God and Goodness: Can a Perfectly Benevolent God Exist?, in the following sections:

Infanticide and Heaven: Killing Babies for God, in the following sections:

God Has No Free Will, in the following sections:

Is Free Will the Reason God Allows Evil and Suffering?, in the following sections:

The Universe Could Not Have Been Created by God: The Failure of First Cause Arguments, in the following sections:

God and Pronouns: God has No Gender, in the following sections:

The Argument that Everything Needs a Creator, Therefore God Exists as the First Cause, in the following sections:

The Concept of a Perfect God is Impossible, in the following sections:

Why God Created Evil: The Absence of Good?: 1. The Problem of Evil

Fundamentalism and Literalism in World Religions: 4.2. Arguing Against Literalism: It Is Impossible to Read Text Objectively

The Validity of Love Theodicy: God, Humans, Free Will and Evil

Ontological Argument for God (Descartes & Anselm)

Is the Christian God Evil? Evidence from Scripture and Nature: 7. The Problem of Evil

Christian Moral Theory and Morality in Action: Biblical Morals and Social Disaster: 1. The Bible Does Not Provide Us With Any Moral Absolutes

Cultural Religion Versus Scholarly Religion

Biblical Christianity Denies Free Will: 1. The Bible Affirms Predeterminism and Denies Free Will

Monotheism and Free Will: God, Determinism and Fate: 1. God Has No Free Will

Single God Religions (Monotheism)

Is Omniscience Possible? Does God Know Everything?

Do We Need Religion to Have Good Morals?: 2.1. Subjectivism Prevents the Revealing of Absolute Morals

Natural Evil such as Earthquakes: Evidence That God is Not Good: 1. The Problem of Evil

A List of Denominations of Satanism: 1. Types of Satanism

The Experience of Evil Theodicy

God Never Needs to Test Us: 1. The Problem of Evil

Satan and The Devil in World Religions: 3. Righteous Satan

How to Kill God and Reduce Religion: 1.1. Things to Bring Up in Debates

Gnosticism (1st-7th Century): The Birth of Christianity: 4. If God is an Imposter and the True God is Hidden, then who are your Friends? (Cain and Judas!)

Theological Problems with Heaven, Paradise and Nirvana: 2.1. Why Would God Create Suffering and Pain?

The Old Testament Versus the New Testament: Do Christians Still Have to Observe OT Law?: 1. The Old Testament Versus the New Testament: Do Christians Still Have to Observe OT Law?

Biblical Dress Codes: God's Laws on Clothes: 3. All Laws of the Bible Must be Followed, Both Old and New

Bible-Based Absolute Morals are Impossible Because All Scripture is Interpreted Subjectively

Dictionary List of Different Types of Religion

The Gradual Instruction of Humankind by a Series of Prophets from God: 3.2. Christianity: Does the New Testament Represent a New Revelation Which Overrides the Jewish Scriptures?

The Problem of Evil: Why Would a Good God Create Suffering?

Not from the Human Truth Foundation, but still relevant (5):

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