Pages Tagged with #intelligent_design

Pages tagged with intelligent design or creationism.

Main page:

Creationism and Intelligent Design: Christian Fundamentalism

Human Truth Foundation pages (16):

Evolution and the Unintelligent Design of Life: Inherited Traits, Genetic Dysfunction and Artificial Life, in the following sections:

Belief in the Theory of Evolution Versus Religious Faith, in the following sections:

The Anthropic Coincidences: Is the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life?, in the following sections:

Christian Extremism, Intolerance and Resurgent Fundamentalism: 10. What is Creationism and Intelligent Design?

Incest in the Bible: Adam and Eve and Their Children, and Noah and His Family: 4.2. The Abrahamic Argument That Adam and Eve's Genes Perfect, Therefore Nullifying the Effects of Inbreeding

Homocentricity or Anthropocentrism: Why Do Religions Think Humanity Is Central to God and Creation?: 2.3. The Failure of the Anthropic Coincidences Argument: The Universe Was Not Fine-Tuned for Life

The Universe Could Not Have Been Created by God: The Failure of First Cause Arguments: 7. The Anthropic Coincidences: Was the Universe Fine-Tuned for Life?

Christian Mythology: Adam and Eve, and the Serpent, in the Garden of Eden: 4. Incest

Christianity's 7 Day Creation Myth: 1. An Introduction to the Book of Genesis

What Causes Religion and Superstitions?: 5.2. The Anthropic Coincidences

The Pentateuch is the First 5 Books of the Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy: 1.1. Genesis (50 chapters, 1533 verses in most versions)

Book of Genesis chapter 3: Adam, Eve and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden: 1. Book Summary

The Evolution of the Human Eye, Complete With Its Inside-Out Retina

Science and Religion: 5. Belief in Evolution

Pastafarianism (Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster): 3. A Parody of Creationism / Intelligent Design

Bereishit / Genesis